
Lia's Curiosity

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Lia walked down the gangplank of her ship, looking forward to the time she'd spend ashore, because it meant that she'd be able to see the Dottore. She swore to herself that she looked forward to seeing him only because of his mystery, and the challenge that presented to her curiosity, but in the back of her mind she knew the truth. She was developing an attraction to the man's personality, and voice, not to mention the sweet attention he gave to her. She was so lost in her thoughts of worry about this situation that she did not notice the men coming toward her from the dock.
     "HEY! You, wench! What do you think you're doing giving orders aboard a ship? That's a man's territory. Go find a brothel or something." Came the shout as a deckhand walked up her gangplank. She looked at the man with cold eyes, appraising him. He stood at at least six feet tall, and had more  muscles than she thought any man should rightly have. She was able to find mirth in the fact that he seemed to have no neck, even in the current situation.
     "Why don't you go boil your head in some tar, you overgrown teenager? Libertà is my vessel, and I'll thank you to ask my permission before you decide to come aboard, Bastardo! Lia flexed her arm muscle, and allowed her hidden blade to slip out of its sheath, before ramming it into the man's throat, and through the back of his neck, severing his spinal cord. She did a slight spin as she wrenched the blade from his flesh, to avoid getting too much blood upon her. She did not realize that as she was cleaning her blade of the filth upon it a rock was hurtling at her head, thrown from a second assailant, who hadn't had the courage the first did. As the rock impacted her forehead, The Smuggler dropped to the gangplank with a silent curse, and looked 'round for the other assailant. She didn't have to look far, however. He'd seen her drop, and assumed her to be knocked out. She readied herself to pounce from the ground, eager to watch his life slip away as well. Once he was in range, she gathered her legs beneath her, and made the leap onto the man, simultaneously opening her blade. Lia quickly lost track of how many times she stabbed the man in anger, but when her own blood was dripping into her eye, she knew she must stop, and go to see Il Dottore.
     "I will see you in hell, you vermin," she spat at the man as she kicked his body off of the dock, and into the water. Once the man's body was disposed of, the woman made the trek to where she knew Il Dottore would be, waiting for patients who needed him. A smile came over her face as he came into sight, and she wiped the blood away from her face, so as not to alarm him.
     "Dottore, darling! How are you doing this evening?" The words flowed easily from her lips as she approached and placed a greeting kiss upon the cheek of the mask.
     "Hello, Lia! How're you this evening? ...And what is this?" He asked as her blood dripped down her cheek from the cut on her forehead. He immediately brushed her hair away, and looked at the deep gash from the rock. "Lia! How did this happen, cara mia? It looks almost as though you were bashed in the head!" Lia cringed away a little, having forgotten just how astute the doctor was at guessing what happened.
     "'re right. I was bashed in the head...with a rock. A couple of men decided that a woman was not a fitting captain for a ship, and made their...objections known. But it is no matter. I quickly took care of it, and tonight the men sleep at the bottom of the bay." She showed little remorse for what happened, and as she spoke of killing them her soft green eyes flashed brightly, and seemed to grow cold as ice, but when her eyes again focused on the Dottore they were the same soft, moss green that matched her cloak. He rarely saw this murderous side of her, and found that it added another element to her personality, and made her even more of a curiosity to him.He decided then and there that he must know her, and that he wanted to protect her from anything else like this happening.
     "Lia... don't return to your ship tonight. Come home with me, sleep in a comfortable bed, untouched by the sea, and safe from men like that," the words slipped from his lips before he realized what he'd said, but when his mind caught up with his lips, he found he did indeed mean what he said.
     "D-dottore..I c-couldn't intrude upon you like that. Please, don't worry for me, I will be safe aboard my ship."
     "Lia, cara mia, please...join me this evening. I am asking for your company...for my own selfish reasons. You would not be intruding upon me, you would be doing me a favour." She turned to the Dottore as he spoke, and placed a hand upon the cheek of his mask, effectively stopping the two from going any further.
     "Dottore...if I come home with you, may I make a request of my own?" He tilted his head minutely into her hand, enjoying the gesture, though hoping she did not notice what he was doing.
     "Si, of course, cara. You may ask me for anything you wish!" He watched the smile break across her face as he spoke, and felt his heart begin to beat faster as she stepped closer to him, and leaned up on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear.
     "Sate my curiosity then, Dottore, and show me the face underneath this mask of yours." He breathed deeply as she slowly moved back, taking her scent in with the scent of the herbs in his mask. He was disappointed that she was moving away from him so soon, but he didn't let it show in his voice.
     "Si, cara mia. I can deny you nothing. I will satiate you in any manner I can." He smiled behind his mask, privately enjoying his little double entendre, not realizing that she'd picked up on it. He watched her simply smile to herself, and take his arm as he led them to his home. Once there, he opened the door for her and led her to his bedroom, which he would give up for the night so that she may be comfortable. He sat himself down upon the bed, and motioned for her to come over. "I do not often do this, Lia... may remove my mask." She nodded silently, and reached her hands out to him, taking gentle hold of the ribbon holding the mask in place, and untying it, before gently pulling the mask away from his face by the edges. What she saw beneath took her breath away.
     "...D-dottore.." He became worried as she spoke, hoping that she did not dislike his form. "You... you're..." She set his mask down, seeing the worry in his eyes, and gently placed her hand upon his cheek, looking into them for a moment. When she'd gathered her courage to her, she leaned forward, and pressed her soft lips to his, allowing her eyes to flutter shut, becoming lost in the feeling of this contact. He was of course shocked at first, but soon wrapped his arms around her waist, and brought her closer to him, settling her down on his lap while holding her close. To her disappointment, Lia soon had to pull away from the doctor to fill her lungs with air.
     "Bello. Bello mio...that is what you are, Dottore."
Oh god what have I done? /DISLIKE/
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HisGirlForever's avatar
This is Fantastic! I personally Roleplay as Lia herself and this just was too ironic (Dating Malfatto! :3) I love this! Fantastic read!